Monday, April 13, 2009

Going Home: The end of my NC visit :o(

The week has flown by! We've been busy doing fun things with the little girls & spending "grown up" time together... but the time has been too short... MUCH too short!
Hayli was up about 7:30 - came downstairs to tell me "good morning" and wanted help with her breakfast. While she ate, I repackaged the leftovers from yesterday in plastic storage containers Lani & I picked up yesterday at the Dollar Store. They've been using glass bowls for leftovers... very scary when the little girls can get into the fridge - especially since Base housing is built on slabs. Glass bowls don't bounce!
Before church the girls opened their Easter baskets - jelly beans, "chef" aprons, PlayDoh, Bubbles & inflatable kites. Of course they wanted to fly their kites "right now"!

We all got dressed and went to church. The church on Base is non-denominational, the pastor is a Navy Chaplain. Sunday School for the little ones is during the worship service - Lani took Hayli & Kristin into the classroom (they went without incident!) so we only had Madeline to worry about & she was great - until she pooped her pants! She's 2 months old - give her a break! The music was great - just a guy playing the keyboard with a few singers leading worship. Lani did inquire about joining their group. The little girls said they liked going to "school" and wanted to go again! Hopefully Lani & Kristopher will continue to take them to church!

Following naptime the girls hunted Easter eggs then we retired to the backyard to fly kites. Seems the Easter Bunny brought kites to some of the neighbor kids too!

Today is sad for me. My week here has come to an end. My bag is packed, sitting in the closet. It's cloudy & cool here - hope the weather holds out & I don't get re-routed - not that I want to spend ANY time in the Newark airport. I hope the little girls have enjoyed the week as much as I have. It will be hard to leave...

1 comment:

  1. It sounds as though you've had a good time and I'm sorry it has to end so soon!
    A week just isn't enough, is it?
