Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oh What a Beautiful Morning!

Remember that song?? "Oh what a beautiful morning! Oh what a beautiful day! I've got a wonderful feeling everything's going GOD'S way!" Well, that's how we sang it in church years ago! Anyway... the sun is shining... it's 45 degrees... I actually thought about throwing on a sweatshirt & sitting out on the deck to drink my morning coffee. But alas, the roofers have been tearing off the roof across the alley from us for an hour... and they're not being quiet about it. Today will be a glorious day to spend in the backyard with Skeeter playing ball. (I cleared the minefield of doggie bombs yesterday!)

Last night we went to the weekly auction - the same one we've been going to for years. Periodically they sell off produce which, as I hear it, is ready to be thrown out of the grocery stores due to "advanced age". There's really nothing wrong with most of it - you just have to be careful! Anyway... I purchased some zucchini (8), huge green peppers (5) & a bag of oranges... paid less than $5.00 for all. I tried to get blueberries, too, but it was obvious the woman who was bidding against me wasn't giving up... and there really wasn't any point in paying MORE for them at an auction than I would in the grocery store. When there is more than one of the same item the auctioneers will offer the winning bidder as many of that item as they wish to purchase, then offer the remainder to others who were bidding. Not this time - wouldn't you know it - she took them all! RATS! We've previously purchased onions & potatoes which were perfectly fine! There's also a woman there who raises chickens & brings farm fresh eggs to sell for $1.50/dozen. I get the big brown eggs... she told me some people just don't care for them... do they taste different? I told her I like them because they're more "farm-y"! :o)
I had better get "off my duff" and get busy enjoying today - the weather is supposed to turn ugly tomorrow.


  1. I saw a segment on a TV program, where they said white eggs and white bread seemed "cleaner" to consumers. I never got that. I like my food "earthy" and besides, my chickens always laid brown eggs, so I guess I just prefer what I'm used to having.

    I've got a whole freezer full of blueberries that we picked ourselves - want me to send you some? ;-)

  2. Ooooh! I'd LOVE some blueberries! LOL Cleaner?? please!!!! Give me a carrot fresh out of the ground... dirt & all... THAT'S clean!! No fertilizers or pesticides... just CLEAN dirt! Maybe all that "clean" food is what's wrong with kids these days? ;o)
