Sunday, February 8, 2009

Just another day in paradise...

Friday Jerry went to screen for another medical study. The study isn't for a couple weeks - and is 2 or 3 weekends - but the pay is good! Friday nite we heard two great bands... String Demons and The Dubious Brothers & Sister Red... and spent some quality time with our friends.

Saturday brought another gun show. I typically don't care for them (did you read my earlier post about gun shows?) but went anyway. I'm glad I did... as I ran into a gal I had grown up with, went to school & church with. Her husband was a vendor at the gun show so she was there to be with him. Jerry & I went to a couple antique stores & got a few little things... bargains I'm sure! Upon our return home we got dressed to go to a birthday dinner with friends and then to the home of other friends for a while. Two late nites!

This morning we went to breakfast at the home of one of our sons. We had a wonderful breakfast and enjoyed visiting with everyone who was there. At one point his girlfriend & I decided to make a quick shopping run... to a local *health food store* not far from their house. Homemade ice cream was waiting for us when we got back. Jerry & I were home by 5:30... and have been just hanging out watching some TV... and now "What About Bob?" (one of my favorite movies!).

These past few days I've been reading two books... kind of cross-referencing them I guess. "Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You to Know About" by Kevin Trudeau and "The Maker's Diet" by Jordan Rubin. These are quite interesting... I'll be sharing some of the lifestyle changes we're making along the way. These are, of course, "baby steps" (in the infamous words of Bob Wiley - "What About Bob?").


  1. Hi Marcy : )
    I noticed you had been by my blog so I stopped by to see who you were and to my delight I loved your little world here! I will be stopping by often.
    Take Care,

  2. Sounds like you've been quite busy!! :) Everything just keeps rolling along.
