I was all set to leave my blog alone until I got back from NC... but I just got something in my INBOX that really got to me & I had to comment on it!
I joined a local Freecycle group... you know what Freecycle is, right? Give away your unwanted/unneeded items instead of throwing them in the landfill. All the listings I've seen have been excess/used items people have (clothing, children's toys, lawn equipment, kitchen items, furniture etc.) that they want to GIVE to someone else who might be needing those items. Some people post listings for things they're needing/wanting that someone else might be wanting to get rid of.
Read along with me: (I copied & pasted this from my email!)
I want:
1) LCD TV has to be at least 42 inches to fit the new entertainment center
I want
2) Queen 4 poster head/footboard any color wood but must not have scratches
3) Dog that does not shed preferably full bred puppy with papers so that I
can make money off it
4) Entertainment center that will hold a 42 inch LCD TV
5) Leather recliner must be a lay-Z-boy and black to match the one I already
6) Wii with all accessories and at least 5 games plus the Wii fit so that I
can get in shape to haul all these wanted items into my house
7) Ham radio and all accessories that I would need to get it up and running
8) Harley motorcycle -- needs to be maroon to match the one I have
9) $3000 shopping card for (I removed the store name) so that I can have new
furniture in my apt.
10) outside storage shed to house all the yard working items that I am going
to get see number 11
11) anything that I can use to work in the yard with, riding mower, push
mower for the places I cant use the riding one, rake, shovel, hoe, hedge
trimmer, blower, edger, weed eater, fertilizer spreader, tiller (see number 12)
12) vegetable plants for a new garden I am going to have this year
13) fertilizer, mulch, dirt, and anything else I will need for above
vegetable garden
14) $750 gift card for JC Penny so that my son can have nice designer
clothes to wear for school next year when he goes into Middle School (gotta make
sure he fits in with all the other rich people that go to that school)
15) Blue Ray DVD player and at least 25 Blue Ray movies so that we have
something to do on the weekends because we cant afford to go out
16) any NEW pots and pans, silverware, dishes, glasses, for the kitchen ..
prefer them to be top of the line Pampered Chef items
This should do it for April, please remember these items are for a single
Dad that is raising his only 11 yr old son that is having to work 3 jobs just to
make ends meet and still is having trouble paying the bills
Please note that I will need all of these items delivered and set up as I
have injured my right shoulder and wont be able to do it myself
Thanks for reading this and any help you might give me
This absolutely infuriates me! He is asking for BRAND NEW ITEMS & is SPECIFIC about nearly all the items he wants - and the items he wants are not cheap!
I can appreciate the fact that he is a single dad working 3 jobs but it appears to me that he seems to think he is entitled to these items and someone else should pay the tab!
1) I don't know many people who have a 42" LCD television that they just want to GIVE away. I haven't priced these but I'm sure they're upwards of $500, right?
2) Might get that Queen size 4-poster bed (used) but pristine condition? Doubtful. Is that to include the mattress & box springs? Or should we be looking for a state of the art Tempurpedic mattress? Would he also like bedding to go with it? Kaching!
3) A purebred dog with papers? Are you kidding me? Depending on the breed - easily $250-500. If he's working 3 jobs he's got no time for a dog. And if he's living in an apartment - where in the world is he going to raise puppies (for profit)?
4) An entertainment center to fit the coveted 42" LCD TV... maybe, but I doubt it would be to his high standards.
5) A leather La-Z-Boy recliner that MATCHES one he already has? What are the chances he'd get a match? What he needs is an HGTV makeover!
6) A Wii with games & Wii fit? I've not priced the Wii systems or games... but I know Wii has only been out a couple years & they're not cheap. Again, I've not priced these - but I would imagine the Wii system is probably $200... and $50 each for the games?
7) Maybe he'll have some luck finding a Ham radio set up... I know they're making a comeback.
8) A maroon Harley motorcycle. yup! people are just standing on the corners giving those away!
9) Let me just dig in my purse for that $3000 shopping card. Oh darn! Guess I must not have one on me! Get a life fella!
10 Outside storage shed & 11)lawn mowers & yard tools but claims to live in an apartment AND plans to raise a 12-13)vegetable garden? I can't think of any apartment complexes in town that would allow a shed to be moved onto their property or let a tenant have a vegetable garden. Come on!
14) A $750 JCP gift card so his kid can have designer clothes for Middle School? Go to local thrift stores & shop! He can find ALL kinds of designer clothes - some of them still have the STORE tags on them! My closet is full of these designer clothes... but I didn't spend anywhere near $750 for them!
15) Blue Ray DVD player and 25 Blue Ray DVDs? These new Blue Ray things are pretty spendy as well - not sure how much the DVD players are but I'm sure the DVDs are $20+ each (x [at least] 25 - that's $500 right there)! Well maybe someone bought Blue Ray DVD player and HATED it & threw away the receipt... oh yeah! and maybe they bought the exact (at least) 25 Blue Ray DVDs this guy wants? What are the chances?
16) NEW dishes,glasses, silverware, pots & pans? Not many people have NEW kitchen stuff just sitting around waiting for someone to ask if they can have it (and probably not Pampered Chef - have you seen their prices? The stuff he wants could easily be $1000+).
I've not checked to see if he had a March wanted list... probably for the sake of my blood pressure I shouldn't even look.
Is this guy for real???? He didn't mention where these 3 *jobs* are or how much he gets paid (Freecycle probably isn't a good place to get into that)... but even with ONE child you'd think that he'd be able to make ends meet. His kid is too young to need a Harley... why does he need two? Maybe he hasn't heard there's a recession in this country!! It just seems to me that he's totally looking for a handout!
Anyone else?