Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Every-two-weeks Post

I certainly don't get online as much as I used to... working on the cabin doesn't leave me as much time to get online... and frankly it's a hassle to drag the computer around... not to mention people think you're anti-social when you plug into a wall & ignore them. So... here's my every-two-weeks post!

Anyway... since my last post on 7/9... we have 6, count 'em, 6 windows installed upstairs!! It's amazing what light comes thru!! We have one window left... but we're thinking it will go in the south wall at the bottom of the stairs. We've gotten north & east walls and half of the west wall upstairs insulated. Not just insulated but the aspen tongue & groove is on & looks wonderful! With any luck we'll have the upstairs walls ALL done by mid-week (next week). I'm SO tired of sleeping in that little bed in the camper!!

I planted zucchini (late) and have 2 plants up; 4 of 6 green bean plants are up & doing well. Onions, carrots, radishes, green peppers... all up & thriving. Some friends brought us a berry bush - they're not sure what kind of berry, could be currants or maybe gooseberry - along with a piece of wild rose bush & a small aspen tree. We got those planted... hopefully they'll do well.

Mouse count as of last Thursday is twelve. I hate mice! I think we have a handle on the wasp situation... and the flies! Ugh!

The friends who had visited us earlier this month are now officially land owners in the Sangre de Cristos! Congratulations to them!

Back to Nebraska for a fun-filled week. Dinner with friends on Friday nite then to a local vineyard to hear a band Saturday nite... followed by a side trip to the lake to relax on the sailboat! Sunday: family reunion. Monday: trip to Kansas for my dad's birthday. Tuesday: some quality time with Alex who is home from Iraq. Today: a trip to Menards and possibly Cabela's this afternoon. Tomorrow: back to the mountain! Friday: get settled back in & hopefully get some things done. Saturday: friends from Lincoln should arrive!

That's the news from here.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mmmmmajor Update - but nothing special!!!!

Can't believe how long it's been since I've had an opportunity to update things here.
Since coming back from Nebraska (for supplies) in June - the insulation is IN the cabin but we've not done ANYTHING with it! We got the upstairs pretty much cleaned up & are planning to move the bed upstairs this weekend. We brought back 6 more windows & have 5 of them installed. We bought 12 volt (RV) lights on eBay and will use them in the cabin. We did begin framing in where the kitchen cabinets will go...and bought spruce tongue & groove to MAKE a countertop.
We discovered we have mice and have set traps for about a week now. Marcy: 6, Mice: 0!! Probably need to get a cat that's a good mouser! We also have wasps. Always some kind of critter causing me grief!
I planted flower seeds - a "hummingbird mix" - but I think the seeds must be bad or something under the ground is eating them. In lieu of the would-be flowers that were to come from the seed, I purchased flowering plants from WalMart. They are thriving & add color to an otherwise green & brown backdrop.
Sunday we had company from Nebraska. They had planned to come on Tuesday but got here early. They had planned to stay for 2 days... and ended up staying for 4 days. They even put in offer on a property here - about 1 1/2 miles from us! We took them to a few "touristy" places: Colorado Gators (gator farm), SunEdison solar farm, Rio Grande National Forest. They spent a day on their own at Zapata Falls.
The weather has been GREAT!! Our "garden" is doing prety well.
That's pretty much all the news that's fit to print... still haven't gotten my pictures to download - so frustrating!! Hoping to get that problem solved SOON!!